This page contains Free Stock Offers and Free
Stock Contests.
Click on this link to see Free Stock offers that have
Please E-mail me with any new listings you find and I will use your ID to register.
When registering for free stock please use my referral ID.
This is the most different referral program available on the internet. The MindPixel company is producing a human-like artificial intelligence computer persona by having multiple web surfers enter data on their system. The scientists expect that, when there is enough information on the system, it will be able to infer how a normal human might think. The process is similar to MP3 decompression, they say, because you take a lower number of information (like a compressed MP3 file) and use it to get an aproximation of the real system (the music you hear), in this case the human mind. When the system works, they will give shares of the company to every user that has contributed. You get credit for every information entered and every information your referrals enter.
Thanks to Christiaan O. for this referral.
My referral ID is 21752.
To register proceed to MindPixel
VoteServe is a fully interactive voting and discussion web site. However, unlike other sites, VoteServe offers it's members the chance to earn credits, which could be converted into shares if the company floats. The more you use the site, the more credits you can earn! There are four ways to earn your VoteServe credits: By registering and becoming a member; By introducing friends and colleagues to the site, receive extra credits based on how much they use VoteServe; By logging on and using the site each day; By adding one of our questions to your own website.
Thanks to Phil S. for this referral.
My referral ID is netshares.
To register proceed to VoteServe
All those who register will receive 1000 shares if and when the company goes public. They Use ListBot for your information. Earn another 100 shares per 8 valid and current e-mail addresses you input into their form.
Thanks to Carla D. for this referral.
To register proceed to Co-Finder
Trade Rewards is a Barter Site. TRI will give away up to 200,000 shares to qualified persons. If you have an interest in and want to learn more about barter, this is a great opportunity to receive free shares of stock in a leading Internet barter company. You can register to receive ten (10) free shares of stock in Trade Rewards, Inc. There are no obligations whatsoever in order for you to receive this stock other than the basic information that is needed for TRI to validate your ownership. No referrals available.
Thanks to Carla D. for this referral.To register proceed to TradeRewards
Get five shares of Singularity Technologies, Inc. stock and one share for each referral. Singularity Technologies SCYBOLTTM (Singularity CatalYzed Beam Output Low Temperature) reactor pronounced "SKYBOLT" is designed to be a safe, portable, clean, "low temperature", nuclear fusion reactor that promises to be more efficient than any known power source devised since the beginning of history.
Thanks to Carla D. for this referral.
My referral ID is F13572468.
To register proceed to SingTech
(Don't input your SS#. This is not a secure server. Enter and "F" and 8 to 10 numbers.)
All Play College Posted 4/25/00 Stock
They are giving out free shares of its stock before it goes public. You get 1 share for signing up and 3 shares for each referral who signs up. Also, if you accrue over 100 shares by the time they go public you can choose to get the stock or just get $10 for each share (that's over $1000 for 31 referrals). If you have more than 100 shares, you will be offered that number of shares or $10 per share up to $10,000, and the balance in shares. There are 3 levels in this program; yourself, directs,and indirects. APC will go public in August, or when they reach their 100,000th member.
Thanks to David W. for this referral.
My referral ID is netshares.
To register proceed to AllPlayCollege
This is a new PTS program from Germany and they are offering you stock shares too! Available worldwide! This site is in German but there is an English version (the link below is in English). I would recommend signing-up NOW though. This company apparently has been around for a long time. They are in pre-launch, so get in now!
* 5,000 shares of Free Stock to the first 10,000 registered members
* 3,000 shares of Free Stock from the 10,001 up to 100,000 registered members.
* 500 shares of Free Stock for direct referral
* 100 shares of Free Stock for 5 indirect referral levelsThanks to Carla D. for this referral.
My referral ID is netshares.
To register proceed to NetPool1
AAAFN is offering 3 free shares. There is no need to visit their site in the future. The shares are yours for an unlimited period. (I filled in the applications without giving them my SS# since it was not a required field.)
Note from AARN:
"The status of this offer in the United States is not yet clear. The Securities and Exchange Commission, which regulates share transfers in the United States, has indicated, in a number of recent rulings concerning other free stock give-aways, that these are not truly free and therefore subject to SEC regulations. This requires the expensive and time-consuming process of registration with the SEC. Although the SEC has not made a specific ruling concerning our Free-Share program, we must pay attention to these rulings and act with care. We therefore sincerely regret that owing to the SEC's position, we are unable, at this time to offer free shares to US citizens and residents who are subject to the jurisdiction of the SEC. We do, however, expect the situation to change, if not by a change in the SEC's position, then by our registry with the SEC. In the meantime, however, we have the following proposal to US residents. If you wish to apply for our Free-Share program, we will reserve 3 shares for you. These will not be transferred to you until the legal situation is clarified." No referral credits.Thanks to Carla D. for this referral.
To register proceed to AAAFN
Get paid to surf on your computer or use your mobile phone! offers £1.00 ( @ $1.50 US ) an hour for you and £0.25 ( @ .37 UD) an hour for 2 levels. They also offer 5 Pre-IPO stock shares! Five free shares for every five members recruited up to issue day! No limit! And if you get 1,000 people to sign-up under you, you receive 500 more shares. They plan to "go live" in the summer of 2000, so you have plenty of time to get your referrals going!
Thanks to Carla D. for this referral.
My referral ID is netshares.
To register proceed to MyAd
By signing up you are granted one hundred (100) shares at face value in the company LetsShareIt.COM LTD. You aren't committed to anything and it will cost you nothing. Every strategic business idea that you contribute will earn you 100 extra shares. Moreover, if your idea is selected you will automatically get a 5% stake in the company!
Thanks to Carla D. for this referral.
My referral ID is
To register proceed to LetsShareIt
This is an online aution site offering 3 free shares when you register with them and 2 free shares for referrals.
Thanks to Carla D. for this referral.
My referral ID is netshares.
To register proceed to bidz
This company states they offer the best selection of Books, Magazines, and Music at some of the lowest rates on the net! They offer free stock credits for registering and 2 free stock credits for referrals.
Thanks to Carla for this referral.
My registration ID is
To register proceed to E-Books
This company is offering free Internet Service. They are also giving away free shares of stock. When you register you will receive your free "units" of stock and a notification email when they launch. They tell you to refer others for bonus shares, but the problem with this is that you can only enter referrals on their referral page, there is no referral box on their sign up page.
Thanks to Matt F. for this referral.
My registration ID is
To register proceed to MyISP
This company is offering 10,000 "units" to the 1st 10,000 members, 1000 "units" to the next 500,000 members, etc. These "units" may be converted into stock shares on a one for one basis. Free Email, free internet access, and free real time stock quotes are also provided. This offer is ONLY applicable to UK residents.
Thanks to Matt F. for this referral.
To register proceed to TheMutual.Net
TechnoMax is not a typical "free stock" giveaway like other Free Stocks sites. The stock giveaway ended on May 30th, 1999. This company is now offering stock for the download and installation of software, and by downloading their software you earn the option of buying TechnoMax stocks (if they go IPO) at $60 for 140 shares. They ask you to pay $12.50 (postage and handling) to receive 100 shares which have no value until the go IPO.
Thanks to Carla D. for this referral.
To register proceed to TechnoMax
This company is a Reward Points Marketing Cooperative awarding 85% stock equity to members for visiting websites, completing surveys, purchasing products, and referring friends. Their Mission Statement is to create a financially viable community of internet users, who build personal equity, through brand recognition of their collective purchasing power, under the trade name of, and to achieve a membership net worth of $200,000,000 within 3 years. This offer has real good potential.
Thanks to Marcus H. for this referral.
My referrer ID is
To register proceed to FunPoints
This is an Internet Service Provider. If you register and use their free Internet access you can become a part owner in the company. They give you 50 shares for registering plus 200 shares for using their access for an average of 100 minutes per month in the first three months. In addition to this, if you keep using Totalise services they keep on giving you shares! For registration and regular use of the Totalise e-mail provision as your primary e-mail address for two years, you will receive up to 200 shares of stock. Available to residents of England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland only.
To register proceed to Totalise
Auction 1 Online Posted 7/24/99
Internet auction site. Each of the first 5000 registered members, will receive five (5) credits. Once they go public, they will exchange those credits for shares of Auction 1 Online stock. All they ask you to do is list one item on the auction site for sale. Remember, it's FREE to list an item. A 1% commission only applies if the item sells. If you were referred to our site, please put the email address of the person who refered you in the item listing field when you place your first item up for bid. This way, you can receive more shares, up to a maximum of 25 per person.
My referrer ID is
To register proceed to Auction1online
Purchasing network. As a member you will receive product discounts at point-of-purchase and rebates that accumulate within your YouNetwork account. Rebates can be applied toward future purchases, redeemed in cash or used to purchase shares in YouNetwork. By tracking your referrals and product recommendations YouNetwork's proprietary NetValue program offers you the opportunity to earn additional rebates by helping spread the word. You can own shares in YouNetwork by joining, purchasing or referring your friends. You share in the profits generated by your referrals up to 5 levels deep.
My sponsor ID is Y1000242444
To register proceed to YouNetwork, Inc. Posted 7/19/99
USPages is a website building and hosting company with an extraordinary offer. If you are a resident of a Registered State, you can earn free stock. Receive 1 free share of stock by simply registering to win 100,000 shares of An additional free stock share can be obtained by referring a friend (1 reference max.). Finally, is issuing one share of its Common Stock as a bonus for each dollar you spend on the purchase, upgrade and/or hosting of your website during your first year. If the, Inc. stock offering is not registered in your state or no more Promotional Stock Giveaway shares are available in your state, you may still register with and you will then be notified prior to any future, Inc. stock offerings.
My referral ID is
To register proceed to, Inc.
WebMail is South Africa's fastest and most popular free e-mail service on the Web. If you are not already a registered user, register now and get your free e-mail access for life. Click on the register link to the right and fill out the questionnaire for 40 free shares of stock. This offer is restricted to South Africa Residents only. I registered anyway.
My referral ID is netshares.
To register proceed to WebMail
Geneva Bank of Commerce & Credit, Inc. Posted 6/22/99
G.B.C.C.I. a fully chartered international bank is sponsoring a program called Spread The Wealth Rewards Program which pays you a percentage of the money spent by those you refer to its website. It's absolutely free to join and you are never obligated to buy anything. You Must have an account with e-gold before they will allow you to sign-up for the Spread the Wealth Rewards Program; the e-Gold Account is free. They will reward your e-Gold account for every dollar spent on banking services when you participate in our 'Spread The Wealth' Rewards Program. The first 10,000 associate agents registered for the 'Spread the Wealth' Program will receive 10 shares of stock in G.B.C.C.I. when and if we decide to go public. The first 10,000 people to register will receive a $5 USD deposit into their privacy account if they open an account.
My referral ID is 104487.
To register proceed to Geneva Bank of Commerce & Credit
AFE Energy, Inc.Posted 5/29/99
This is an Energy Production company that is offering to qualified persons FREE STOCK. They are conducting a market survey on the investment world's interest in them going public with their stock. They are not currently offered to U.S. citizens or residents. You might want to still register.
To register proceed to AFE Energy, Inc.
Get 10 Free Profit sharing Shares in a new free business travel and vacation planning directory. No referral credits.
To register proceed to dsent
This is an on-line shopping network site. E-Compare's free stock distribution has been voluntarily suspended. Send them your name and e-mail address using the form provided and they will notify you as soon as they resume giving away E-Compare stock. This offer is temporarily on hold. They request your name and e-mail address and will notify you as soon as they resume giving away E-Compare stock.
Referred by
To register proceed to E-compare Posted 5/15/99
This site is about hair care, hair style, hair products. They offer free web pages to hair stylists. They are offering 3 free stocks shares and additional shares for referrals.
Please use as referral.
To register proceed to HairStylist
NetPartners Marketing Corporation (NMC) Posted 5/07/99
NMC uses Internet technology to improve interaction with both vendors and customers. Their focus at this time is on the financial services and investing area and are only giving away shares of stock to people working in the financial services industry and to business owners.
To register proceed to NetPartners Marketing Corp
The only site dedicated to paying you money for your information! Receive a free share of stock for signing up and another share for each referral. Get paid for reading email from advertisers.
My referral ID is mwloney
To register proceed to Money for Mail
E-mail Aliasing. Net-wide solution to the confusion of too many e-mail addresses. With @less you have ability to e-mail without requiring a full complex address, like This allows you to have a universal alias, like johndoe, regardless of how and where you read your mail. You can have 3 aliases. To join and get your free stock, click on Join @less in the left-hand frame.
Join @less using my alias 'mwloney' as referrer:
Join @less
PowerSide Network Posted 4/20/99
A page dealing with various topics, for instant internet-marketing and "positive thinking". Everybody registering and subscribing to a news-letter gets 25 shares. For every referral you will get additional shares of stock.
My referral ID is is the Internet's first virtual consumer community. Join the referral program and receive free cash bonus of $12.95 that may be applied for the purchase of stocks. Also receive the same for each referral. They present the best of Internet commerce all in one place: online shopping at a minimum discount of 20%; services that enable you to make informed, smart purchases; online product reviews and product comparisons.
My referral ID is 120133
To register proceed to TargetShop
Popular link is a super cool shopping site for car enthusiasts, game players, sword, gun and knife collectors, a multi-billion dollar market in North America alone. Popular Link's unique collection of products are - hard to find in local stores, great designs, high quality, and very low prices. For more information goto Popular Link.
My referral ID is
To register proceed to Popular Link
Please use my referral ID when registering for Free Stock Offers.
Please E-mail me with any new listings you find and I will use your ID to register.
Page Originated on 3/31/1999
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